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Tips for flying with toddlers

Tips for flying with toddlers

20 Sep 2017

First time vacationing with your toddler is an extremely joyous experience if you plan everything to the point T. It is a vacation of discovery as your little one is going to see the world for the first time. But, airport scenes and flight travels are the biggest fears of any parent as they do not want their children or the co passengers to be disturbed. Here are some tips for you to make your flights easy and comfortable for you and your toddler;

Avoid ear pain

The pressure change in the flight might cause an ear pain to your toddler and it is important for us to take preventive measures for this. In the first and last fifteen minutes of your flight, let your toddler suckle to a hard candy if they are three years and above or let them take a bottle or pacifier.

Feed well

Feed your toddler before getting them onto the flight and make sure that you have their food handy throughout your travel. Hungry adults throw a lot of tantrums leave alone children.

Engage them

Bored toddlers are extremely tough to handle, as they are not going to sit in one place and crib about it. It is in the hands of the parents to put down their magazines and engage their toddlers in anyways possible. Packing their favourite books or toys is the easiest way to make your child happy.

Nap times

Sleep deprivation or disturbed sleep of a child can become a nightmare to the parents and the people flying with them. Hence make sure that your child is put to sleep in the most comfortable and cozy manner.

Don't panic

Your child is wailing and the entire flight is glaring at you? Don't give a sheepish look and try to shhh your baby in a hurry. Be calm, smile and console your child, because your panic attack might disturb your child even more.

Toddlers and vacation might sound like oxymorons. But few precautionary measures, planning and know the flight information beforehand can make it simple.Also, squeeze in a play time or play date for your child in your vacation plan to make it more child friendly and exciting for them.

Best amenities feeding rooms were also available at both the terminals
