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Fly Informed Reach Relaxed

Air travel is now a part of everyday life: many first time fliers are now experiencing the ease and convenience of flying.

At the Ministry of Civil Aviation, we strive to keep the system efficient, fair and approachable to provide you with a smooth experience: less than 0.1% of flyers face inconvenience in flying. However, sometimes things don’t work out as planned. We believe that if you know your rights, as a passenger you can enjoy a more comfortable and a relaxing journey.

This Passenger Charter brings to you rules and rights that apply to your air travel in an easy to understand format.

Disclaimer : for more details and apecific rules, please refer to the Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) Series M, Section-3 on the Directrotate General Civil Aviation (DGCA) Poertal ( and other relevant laws and rules. This booklet is for general guidance and information only.

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